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April 2, 1948


In spite of hard-to-get materials, unusual labor conditions, and war clouds hanging low, Folkstonites are continuing to carry the building program on, starting some months ago.

Since reporting a few weeks ago on new buildings started here, Col. A.S. McQueen and his son, W.A. McQueen, have started and will within a few days have ready for occupancy a law office building. Located in the Scott Building where the Folkston Furniture Co. operated for some years, they have completely remodeled the space to a handsome 12 by 21 reception room and two offices, paralleling each other, 10 by 26, those having entrances to the reception room. One is to be the private office for Col. McQueen and the other for W.A. McQueen. The offices have ample space for the law library of each attorney. The old ceiling and walls have been replaced with new ones. They hope to have it completed and the shingle hung within three or four weeks.

A five-room residence was started last week by Mr. Hugh Crews on his lot recently acquired from Commissioner Harvey Thrift in the southwest section of town. Mr. Crews has most of the material in hand and plans to rush this building to completion. He now resides in Homeland.

Mr. T. Wainwright, who recently sold his home in the Uptonville community, has started a bungalow across the highway from the Gilbert Mizell home.

Mr. Clyde Gowen began the erection of a five-room bungalow just south of his home in the west side of the city two weeks ago and barring bad weather conditions, plans to have it ready for occupancy within another week. It will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Hopkins, Jr. until they build their home on Magnolia Street south of the A.S. McQueen home.

The home of Mr. and Mrs. M.A. Gay, started last fall in the city’s fast developing western section is nearing completion. This is a beautiful six-room bungalow modernly designed and conveniently arranged throughout. Mr. and Mr. Gay hope to have it ready for occupancy within a week or two.

Work on the seven-room dwelling of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Southwell on Route 301 about four blocks north of Main Street is progressing satisfactorily. This building is in another of the city’s fast growing sections and according to the contractor will be modern and up-to-date in all respects. It is not yet known just when it will be completed.

The junior type Texaco filling station being erected by Mr. Mizell and Mr. Stapleton for the Texaco Oil Company at the intersection of Main Street and Route 301 is near completion. The large tanks were placed this week and the finishing work is in the final stages.

from DeBrahm's Report

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Folkston, GA 31537


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