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January 17, 1947

While checking over the stock in his recently acquired grocery store, O.E. Raynor this week opened up a real surprise package when he decided to investigate the contents of a mysterious box which had remained unopened for the past twenty years or longer.

Removing the cover Mr. Raynor was shocked to find that the box contained all the bones of a complete human skeleton. He hastily summoned manager Kirby Jones as a witness to the gruesome proceedings and to prove his innocence of any guilt in connection with the box or its contents.

An investigation disclosed that W.E. Gibson, former owner of the store, had noticed the box when he took over the business, then located in the Rodgers building, about twenty years ago. Markings indicated the box contained liver medicine and considering it to be worthless, Mr. Gibson had never bothered to open it.

The cover on the box had been securely nailed and the skeleton neatly packed therein. In addition to the bones, the only content of the box were a single buckshot and a small penknife with nothing to indicate when or why the skeleton had been packed away. The skeleton evidently was that of a rather large adult white male, according to persons who saw it.

The gruesome discovery was a center of much interest and the store was thronged throughout the day Wednesday with goggle-eyed spectators. Although there was much speculation no one was able to give any definite information concerning the skeleton. The most likely explanation is that it formerly belonged to one of the local physicians, very probably either the late Dr. Wright or Dr. Moore.

After consulting Coroner John R. Banks and other officials Mr. Raynor made arrangements to inter the long deceased remains in the local cemetery and just to restore his peace of mind and clear up the mystery, he will appreciate it if anyone in the community can give him any definite information concerning the unwanted piece of merchandise transferred to his possession

Also in the Charlton County Herald during this period was the following advice:


February 8, 1946

How to Behave In the Air

Airline travel is becoming so widespread and so many people, especially women, are being initiated as air passengers, that tips on how to behave in the air are finding their way into the etiquette books.

The Air Transport Association of America gives in a nutshell some of the customs followed by experienced air travelers:

Report at your airlines counter at the airport preferably twenty minutes before departure time regardless of whether you have previously picked up your ticket.

Check your luggage and forget about it until you are in the terminal building at your destination.

Remember to wear clothes which will be suitable for the weather likely to prevail at the distant place to which you will be so quickly flown.

Pick any seat in the plane and if you wish to leave it briefly at an intermediate stop, ask the hostess to mark it “occupied”.

Fasten your seatbelt when directed by the illuminated sign up forward for there’s nothing sissy about doing so.

Don’t smoke when the sign says “No” and do not smoke cigars at all.

Feel perfectly free to strike up conversations with strangers, for among airline passengers no introductions are necessary.

It is perfectly proper to chew gum, in fact desirable for its beneficial effect in relieving air pressure during change in altitude.

Do not give tips. Complimentary meals and all this other is a part of the ride.

from DeBrahm's Report

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