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  • Notes on Womens Sufferage

  • Womens' Socializing Tradition


Charlton County Herald

August 20, 1920

There was a Public Letter from Thomas W. Wrench, always active in the local politics of St. George, Folkston and Homeland, to all women, encouraging them to register to vote. ….LBM

Charlton County Herald

August 27, 1920

Thursday morning when Secretary Colby of the United States Department of State officially affixed his signature to the proclamation announcing ratification of the 19th Amendment to the Federal Constitution by the requisite number of states of the Union, the women of this country were made citizens – voters, with equal rights with men. It is estimated that more than 20 million women have been added to the list of American voters.


Beginning September 22nd, 1920 with Mrs. Elizabeth Roddenberry, Mrs. Lola Florence Wright and Miss Audrey Scott leading the way, women signed the voter registration book. Several pages of housekeepers, clerks, teachers, cigar makers, postmaster, landladies, seamstresses, musician,  telegraphers, etc. showed that the women of Charlton County were eager to become voters. …LBM

Charlton County Herald

October 1, 1920

J.M. Roddenberry, Tax Collector, wishes the women of Charlton County to know that the voter registration books are open and for every woman who can qualify, to register. We understand that a number of names have already been placed on the registration books.


1913 ---1928

Name Age Color  District G.M  Occupation

SEPTEMBER 22, 1920

Roddenberry, Elizabeth 46 White 32  House Wife

Wright, Lola Florence 28 White 32  House Wife

Scott, Audrey 24 White 32  Clerk/BkKeep

Courtney, Mrs. W.R. 29 White 32  House wife

Scott, Kate 40 White 32  House Wife

Robinson, Pauline T. 42 White 32  Editor

Johnson Minnie 33 White 32  House Keeper

Williams, Kate 56 White 32  House Keeper

Martin, Nomie  22 White 32  House Keeper

Martin, Mrs. E.L. 47 White 32  House wife

Mills, Malinda? 43 White 1193  House Wife

Davis, Pearla Mae 21 White 32  house wife

Moore, Hattie Mae 40  White 32  House wife

Vickery, Addie B. 47 White 32  Asst. P.M.

Stroup, Ocee E. 36 White 32  House Wife

Toy, Rosa A. 71 White 32  Music Teacher

Pickren, Dora C. 48 White 32  House wife

Mizell, Nana Mae R. 29 White 32  House Keeper

Williams, Myra 35 White 32  Cook&Nurse

Davis, Pearl 34 White 32  House keeper

Wasden, Gussie A. 29 White 1354  Agent/Telegrapher

Wood, Mrs. W.A. 33 White 32  House Wife

Fronks, Mrs. Tommy C. 23 White 32  Music Teacher

Stapleton, Mrs. Rosa 32 White 32  House wife

Wright, Jennie 38 White 32  House wife

Mills, Josephine 36 White 32  House wife

Vickery, Annie 40 White 32  House wife

Pearce, Mrs. J.B. 27 White 32  House wife

Mizell, Susie 61 White 32  House wife

Davis, Beulah Lee 26 White 32  Chueffeur

Mizell, Miss Susie 28 White  32  Laborer

Brandous,  Cristina 71 White 32  House Wife

Crews, America 56 White 1354  House Wife

Crews, Kizzie A. 23 White 1354  School Teacher

Crews, Mary Ty 61 White 1354  House wife

Wasden, Lizzie 34 White 1354  House wife

Crews, Lizzie B. 46 White 1354  House wife

Warren, Verdie N. 24 White 1354  Asst. P. M.

Bell, Mary S. 44 White 1354  House Wife

Johns, Mary M. 34 White 1354  House Wife

Taylor, Elizabeth R 25 White 1354  Nursing House

Franks, Eyre 53 White 1354  Merchant

Kottman, Mrs. Fred 41 White  32  Housewife

Carpenter, Ora W. 50 White 1545  House wife

King, Beatrice B. 35 White 1545  House Wife

Norman, Onie B. 38 White 959  Housewife

Baugh, Ida K. Over 21 White 1545  Postmaster


Women's Weekend Socializing

Interview with Mr. Jesse W. Vickery, Jr.

Transcribed by Lois Barefoot Mays

Nursing Home at Hilliard

April 2, 2002

My daddy had a turpentine still at Mattox and also a big house there. When school was out in the summer time we moved from the Folkston house to Mattox so that Daddy would be closer to his work. Then in the fall when it was time to start school again, we moved back to Folkston to the old home place on First Street, so the children would be closer to the school. Then Daddy had to drive to work each day.

My mother and father had many friends all over the county. On Saturdays most of the black farmers and their wives came to town in the wagon, to shop and visit. Many of them came right to our house and parked the mule and wagon in the shade and barn in our big back yard. Mama had many friends among the wives and while their husbands went to the store to buy feed and groceries, the wives visited with Mama. She looked forward to this and had cakes and pies and hot coffee ready. Sometimes the house would fill up with women, some with little babies, and they sat around, talked and laughed and enjoyed themselves while their menfolk were busy uptown. In nice weather some would sit around out in the back yard and visit with one another. The wives really looked forward to this for sometimes it was the only time they could visit with their friends from other communities. And when one hadn’t been there for a while, it was like having a family reunion when they all got together. My mother really enjoyed this unusual way of entertaining her friends.

from DeBrahm's Report

Lois B. Mays Historical Research Center

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Folkston, GA 31537


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